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Natick’s people, neighborhoods, and proud history make us a great community.

But property taxes haven’t kept up with the costs facing our town. Natick voters now have a choice: Vote YES on Question 1 on March 25, 2025, or lay off teachers and other educators, delay road work, school and town building upkeep, and more.


Learn more below.


We haven’t been asked to vote on an operational tax override since 2008. In the seventeen years since then, inflation has significantly surpassed revenue growth.
Voting YES on 1 will allow the schools to avoid laying off 40 educators and drastically increasing fees. It will allow the town to proceed with its planned roadwork and scheduled upkeep of town and school buildings. Our community will be able to keep delivering for our residents of all ages.
Yes on 1 is a vote for a  7 million dollar Proposition 2 ½ operational tax override. This translates to a tax bill increase of $453 annually or $38 monthly for a home assessed at $780,400, the median assessed value of a single-family Natick home.
We know that for some, this is a very big ask. But keeping our town strong will ultimately benefit everyone who calls Natick home. Vote YES on 1 on March 25, 2025 and protect Natick’s future!

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